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Within school there are two types of assessment used, formative and summative:

  • Assessment for learning (Formative Assessment). Helps to identify the next steps needed for children to make progress. Formative assessment is about teachers and pupils relating current learning to next steps. It is ongoing and forms part of everyday  learning. It refers to pupils knowing what they can do well, but also knowing what they can improve on while being supported in the learning process by teachers. For formative assessment to be successful children should be clear about the purposes of the activity or task, why they are doing it, as well as what they are going to learn from it.


  • Assessment of learning (Summative Assessment). This is more associated with judgments based on grades and ranks and with public accountability, not only here but also in many education systems. 

Both formative and summative assessment are used through the year to inform both teachers and pupils of learning progress.

Parents are offered a summary overview from P2 to M2 at the end of both Term 1 and Term 2.


Early Years students in Pre Nursery to Nursery are provided with summaries of student learning and next steps in development throughout the year.

At the end of the academic year, a comprehensive student report card provides an overview of student learning outcomes from the entire academic year.

Parent Teacher Consultations are regular and important features of Panaga School's reporting process, of which parents are invited to attend each term.


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